
Welcome to the website of the Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery! We are a small community organisation formed in 2011. Our aim is to enhance, protect and promote the cemetery for future generations. Opened in 1875, the original 10-acre Victorian site is now designated as a ”Park or Garden of Special Historic Interest” with Historic England, and contains Grade 2 listed buildings and monuments. It has expanded over the years to its current 53 acres, and has been owned and managed by Leeds City Council…


Action Day 6th April

Our aim is to help keep the cemetery looking as good as it can be for visitors and in respect for those laid to rest there. We meet on the first Saturday of every month at 10am in the car park opposite the main entrance on the Otley Road.


Leeds Parks and Green Spaces Forum

We are a member of the LPGSF which meets throughout the year to share information, ideas and issues. Friends groups from across the city who support parks, cemeteries and green spaces find this forum helpful as a network of groups and organisations working to enhance the green spaces of Leeds. Cemeteries are an important green space for people to visit and enjoy, and a haven for wildlife. The Forum is supported but not managed by Leeds City Council.


National Federation of Cemetery Friends

We are a member of the National Federation of Cemetery Friends which brings together groups from around the country and links into the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe. The Federation supports council owners to keep cemeteries safe and tidy, to sustain and preserve the historical significance and wildlife havens they provide. This entirely reflects the mission of our own Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery.


Action Day March 2024