Vandalism at Lawnswood Cemetery

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Vandalism at Lawnswood Cemetery

It is with disbelief and great sadness that we are letting people know that once again Lawnswood Cemetery has been targeted with mindless vandalism. On the weekend of 18th/19th August thieves stole van keys and then a Council van which they then drove recklessly through the cemetery, breaking out through the locked gates onto Otley Road, causing significant damage. The van was later found but as yet nobody has been caught. Then on the night of 21st August the old disused office was broken into and vandalised.

This is not only wanton vandalism, it shows such disrespect for the cemetery and all it means to the people of Leeds and beyond who have relatives and friends buried, cremated or remembered there. It is hard to put into words how devastating this is: even more so in the wake of the earlier vandalism of the Books of Remembrance back in April.

It is impossible to understand why the cemetery is suddenly being targeted in this way. Please be vigilant when visiting and report any suspicious behaviour to the police.
