Action Day Volunteers August 2020

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August 2020 –  Action Day Volunteers

Hi everyone! Here we are again another month on and still no date for a return to Action Days.  I know from Nick that the Council is working on plans, but we have no firm dates as yet. We still hope we will be back for the Autumn leaf clearing!

I do hope that you all remain well and are enjoying the relaxing of restrictions, and being able to spend more time with family and friends. It feels like a great relief, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, my dog Ruby seems to have got used to the indoor life and seems quite reluctant to stretch her legs, preferring to opt for stretching her long body across my bed at every opportunity. This is despite me taking her out for a long walk every day under the lockdown rules! She has missed the company of others and on our walks she  looks longingly at everyone we pass, expecting them to come over and shower her with love and affection even if they are complete strangers. If any succumb to her” sit and stare” tactics, she nuzzles into them like a long-lost friend! You would think that she lacked attention at home despite it being lavished upon her as we have faced the lockdown together : clearly  she appreciates variety of company!! I am sure  most of us do, and I for one am so looking forward to your company again at our monthly Action Days.

May it come soon…….

Janice Simpson


Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery
