2016-07-30 Tea Party

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The Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery’s 2016 annual member’s tea-party took place on 30th July 2016.

It was a jolly occasion. The committee had provided a superb afternoon tea – sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and cakes.Each table had a flower quiz which soon had the guests working together to complete (incidentally whin is also another name for gorse!!) with the winning table being awarded a prize per person.

Then on to the highlight of the afternoon – an illustrated talk by Patrick Bourne, Community Curator from Leeds Museums and art galleries. In his talk Patrick linked some of the cemetery “residents” with the museum artefacts connected with them. Not unnaturally he started with a Museum curator – Henry Crowther – the fifth professional curator and the one who expanded the educational remit, giving talks to many thousands of children and teachers each year. Crowther  also added to the collections, most notably by current collecting – e.g. during the Great War and with his daughter Violet, opened Abbey House Museum in 1927…Leeds’ social history museum. 

Others covered in the talk were Edmund Bogg, Ethel and Walter Preston, Obadiah Nussey, James Cockburn (Cockburn High School), Archibald Whitham Scarr and James Edward Bedford. That the talk was enjoyed by all present was evidenced by the lively question and answer session which followed. Leeds City Museums will benefit  too from this specially researched talk with a donation from the Friends.

Please visit our Gallery to see photographs of this very special day.
